Power BI Publishing

Empower supports publishing datasets to Power BI automatically when the underlying data is updated.

Installation and Setup

1. Create Service Principal in Azure

2. Add Service Principal, and Grant Privileges

  1. (one-time) Grant PowerBI Admin in Tenant settings
    1. Power BI Admin Portal>Tenant Settings Enable "Allow Service Principals to Use Power BI APIs"
    2. Select Apply to: "Specific security groups (Recommended)"
    3. Add Service Principal to "Enter security group"

  1. (For each workspace) Add Service Principal to Workspace as "Admin"

3. Get WorkspaceID and DataSetID from PowerBI Workspace

These values will be used in the Empower tool to target a dataset.

  1. Navigate to the dataset on Powerbi.com
  2. Copy WorkspaceID and DataSetID from dataset URL:

4. Provide the following values to the Empower Team

Empower will securely place these values into KeyVault.

  • TenantID as pbi-tenant-id

  • ClientID as pbi-app-reg-id

  • ClientSecret as pbi-app-reg-secret

  • WorkspaceID as pbi-workspace-id

  • DataSetID as pbi-dataset-id

  • Note: These changes may take a few hours for Azure to update