Access Control
The Access Control module is where qualified users manage user roles in the Empower application. This page describes the supported roles for this application and their respective permissions. It also explains how to add new users, update existing users, and remove existing users from the application.
- Empower application is successfully onboarded into the client tenant. See Onboarding and Prerequisites section for more detail.
- Users are set up in Azure Active Directory (AAD).
- Empower team (Super Admin) has assigned Enterprise Admin role to the identified client user(s).
Roles & Permissions: Explained
The chart below lists, in descending order by total permissions granted, the supported roles and their respective permissions for the Empower application. This paradigm assumes the highest assigned role to a given user when providing permissions for that user.
For example...
A user that needs to run data flows in a production environment need only an Environment Executor role assignment.
Another user that needs to run data flows in any Organization and/or Environment within an Enterprise, would need an Enterprise Executor role assignment.
Depending on your Enterprise's structure and internal user-base for the Empower application, organization-level roles may not apply to your roles setup.

Reminder: Access Trickles Down
If you are an admin at the "Enterprise" level, you will be an admin for all Organizations and Environments within that Enterprise, for example. The same is true for the Organization level to Environments.
Accessing the Module
After successful login, select the Settings button from the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar.

Selecting the Settings will direct you to the systems settings screen for the Empower application. In the updated left-hand navigation bar, select the Access Control tab to access the module (pictured below).

Role Access Hierarchy: Explained
Once you've accessed the Access Control module, you'll notice a hierarchical selector on the left-side of the screen. Each of the selectable entities in this hierarchy represents a tenant (enterprise), sub-tenant (organization), or environment to which a user requires access.

The image above shows the Empower tenant/sub-tenant hierarchy for a hypothetical enterprise called New Neo. This enterprise has two organizations, New Augustus and New Tiberius that use Empower. Whenever an entity is selected in the hierarchical selector, the right-hand side of the screen will update to show the assigned users in that tenant/sub-tenant and their respective roles (pictured below).

Adding, Updating, and Removing a User
Add User
To add a new user and role assignment, select the Add button from the Access Control main page.

Selecting the Add button opens the add user modal (pictured below). You can perform a typeahead search to narrow your search results. Once a user is selected, use the drop down to select the assigned role for that user. To save time, you can add multiple users to the same role in the same action by selecting the Add button in the modal.

Update/Remove User
To update an existing user's role, select the tenant/sub-tenant on the left-hand side to display the users for that area, which will update on the right-side of the screen. From there, select the drop down next to the user to update their role (pictured below).

If you are attempting to reassign a user to a higher tenant/sub-tenant role, you will need to remove the user from their lower-tenant role and then navigate to the higher level tenant to reassign the user there. For example, if Jessie Marchio is currently an Environment Reader in your development environment, but she needs to access to schedule and run data flows in all environments, consider assigning her to an Enterprise Executor role at the enterprise level in the hierarchical selector (or Organization Executor depending on your organizational makeup).
Search & Filter Existing Users
Search Users
Once the tenant/sub-tenant is selected and the users list is displayed, typing in the search bar at the top of the users list will update the existing users list based on the search criteria entered. In the example below, the user is searching for user 'Kyle Kenny'. Even by typing the first character, 'k', the search result updates to find the listing of users that meet that search criteria.

Filter Users
Next to the search bar is the filter selection button. Selecting this opens a dropdown of filter criteria for the existing users in that users list. At this time, you can filter search results by applicable roles within that tenant/sub-tenant.

Updated 12 months ago