Empower Data Platform v1.21/22


Empower UX capability and Data Platform updates

Utilize configuration migration to quickly and efficiently move configurations between your environments. Expert users can utilize new Advanced Options publishing capabilities for self-service integration setup! Configure your own data estate entirely within the UI. We are expanding our self-service data connector capabilities. Check out the Data Sources tab in the UI to see them all.

  • Configuration Migration: Move integration workflows across environments with a button click!
  • Self-Service Data Publishing: Advanced Options tab expanded to include self-service data publishing configurations!
  • New Data Connectors: 28 full self-service data sources now supported by Empower! Connect, explore, and unleash your data's full potential!


Configuration Migration

Move configurations between environments with ease. Visit the Configuration Migration user guide to learn how to use this feature to its fullest effect! Make sure you have the proper permissions in RBAC to move configurations between environments.


Self-Service Data Acquisition and Analytics

The Advanced Options page now contains more tables for you to manipulate to configure your data estate.

Please view our newest user guides on Step Commands, Data Acquisition, Analytics Engineering, and Data Publishing to get started.


New Data Sources Available

Your deployment now enables you to self-service configure 28 data sources. New sources for this version include Dynamics CE and FO via Synapse Link (Trickle Feed) and Azure EventHubs.

Itemized Changelog

Enhancements & New Features

  • Environment variables added for core and data APIs.
  • Added/updated new ADF parameters KV and Global for Data API.
  • Created POST /flow/execution-log endpoint for Data API.
  • Implemented End-to-End Pipeline Tests for Data API.
  • Reversed flags functionality on the data API for proxying and RBAC.
  • Expanded the nested object capability on the Guild Quality endpoints.
  • TID Change for architecture improvement.
  • Provided a script to manage the state of Flags for 1.22 release.
  • Replaced watermark type of ID with a new type of IDENTITY for DAQ.
  • Included optional 'Description' field on Flow model.
  • Created new flow type of 'ANALYTICS_ENGINEERING'.
  • Updated Flow name property constraint.
  • Populated missing global_id for all promotable tables.
  • Ensured expression evaluation v2 is enabled by default.
  • Updated api/v1/latest-metadata-extraction-status-map/ to return the number of objects in object list.
  • Removed usage of temporary tables with BULK INSERT for Config Promotion.
  • Updated /api/v1/latest-metadata-extraction-status-map/ to return all sources.
  • Changed command text for metadata/extract to /EmpowerSystem/DataEngineering/Spark_Extract in Advanced Options.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed WEB_POST_FLOW_STATUS_END detail "Not Found" error.
  • Resolved issues with expected 'key' and 'value' settings on elements in 'base_parameters'.
  • Fixed detail error {'error': 'Realm does not exist'}.
  • Solved JRE not found on Self-hosted Integration Runtime machine.
  • Fixed WEB_GET_JOBINFO fails with User has no access.
  • Addressed TCP provider error while connecting to db for requests.
  • Resolved ModelBuilder fails when merging new columns corner cases.
  • Addressed 500 error on data API.
  • Fixed Spark Driver Stopped Unexpectedly issue in Model Builder.
  • Resolved Large Data Migrations returning 500 error.
  • Fixed 500 SaaS Subscription Resolve issue.
  • Addressed Update Dynamics CE & Dynamics F&O - Direct to On Request.
  • Solved GET azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError.
  • Fixed Eventhub connector On Request issue.
  • Removed "Your Source Type" from dev or prod FDS.
  • Addressed AOD Connection String update.
  • Solved Null insertion error on attempted migration.
  • Fixed unable to migrate Five 9 Metadata.
  • Addressed Merge Fails in Config Promo.
  • Fixed 500 error when creating a flow with a name longer than 169 symbols.
  • Resolved Workers killed during migration.
  • Fixed Object Options causing Config migration to fail.
  • Addressed Database to Step Command Item Name to Execute causing Config migration to fail.
  • Fixed Analytics engineering flow names overflow on long names.
  • Solved Horizontal scroll appears when user edit flow with too long name issue.

Other Notes

We've added a few pages to our public doc site:

  • Our new Product Principles page defines our North Star for feature development.
  • The Empower lexicon is now contained within our new Core Concepts page; check it out to educate yourself on the Lakehouse-integration vision!